The game is set in a fictional port town called Amihama during the last days of the Shogunate. Players can create their own samurai[7] and choose to align themselves with one of three factions: the pro-government forces, the anti-government rebels seeking to repel foreigners, or the British Navy stationed in the city to negotiate a peace treaty. When the negotiations between the local government of Amihama and the British goes wrong after a Prajna attack at the meeting point, the Tokugawa Shogunate sends one of their Tairō to quash the revolt.
Way Of The Samurai 4 Patch
A new mission set culminating in the unlocking of custom parts and original weapons for your samurai, ultimately allowing you to play as a youthful Dona Dona from Way of the Samurai or a grown-up Sayo from Way of the Samurai 2. Includes character model, clothing, Maracas accessory and Volcano weapon for Dona Dona and character model, Sayo Doll and Shamisen accessories and Wildgrass weapon for Sayo, all available after doing some work for Rihito Shirube in the main plaza.*Please note that the latest game patch is required in order to load this content. Purchase or use of this item is subject to the PlayStationNetwork Terms of Service and User Agreement and this item's use restrictions. This item has been sublicensed to you by Sony Computer Entertainment America. One-time license fee for downloads to up to 2 console systems that are associated with the purchasing account.Spike Co., Ltd. Developed by ACQUIRE Corp. All Rights Reserved. Licensed to and published by XSEED Games.
Though the story has a serious edge to it, Way of the Samurai 4 has a number of goofy additions that lighten the mood. Player characters can be wildly customized through the use of accessories, bonus items that can be placed anywhere on your samurai's body and resized. Want to buy a water bottle accessory and then make it take up your character's whole body? You can!
Adjustments on achievements that were difficult to acquire (if the conditions for obtaining the trophies were already met before patch 1.03, they can be obtained by progressing time by sleeping, waiting for night to fall, or dying).
The game is set in a fictional port town called Amihama during the last days of the Shogunate. Players can create their own samurai and choose to align themselves with one of three factions: the pro-government forces, the anti-government rebels seeking to repel foreigners, or the British Navy stationed in the city to negotiate a peace treaty. When the negotiations between the local government of Amihama and the British goes wrong after a Prajna attack at the meeting point, the Tokugawa Shogunate sends one of their Tairō to quash the revolt.
Japanese samurai action game Way of the Samurai 4 will be available via Steam on July 23, Western publisher Ghostlight has announced. The game will be sold for a 40% pre-order discount up until July 16, at which point it'll be priced at $24.99.Way of the Samurai 4 was originally developed by Acquire and Spike Chunsoft , and is the latest in a long-running cult series that lets players run around a 19th century Japanese village, fighting bandits, completing quests, and generally being a roaming ronin badass. There's a focus on decision-making, as the player is able to support or hinder a number of factions.
Good Job Gaijin, i expect much from this patch so do not fail me , i hope this its the biggest patch since i play 4yrs, ready to how all people will cry how OP are RUS, GER, USA, BRIT, JPN. FOR THE EMPEROR..! take main money :)
Unpack the contents of the archive, run the trainer then the game. During the game you can use the following keys: Numpad1 - immortality Numpad2 - vitality NUMPAD3 - maximum gauge Spring Harvest NUMPAD4 - indestructible weapon NUMPAD5 - the maximum combo NUMPAD6 - money NUMPAD7 - points of the samurai NUMPAD8 - unlock all the things NUMPAD9 - "sucks" vitality enemies NUMPAD0 - killed with a blow NUMPAD ./+/- - crime rate: normal / terrible / excellent PAGE UP - super fast speed Page Down - super jump CTRL + Numpad1 - INFINITE It degradation CTRL + Numpad2 - transformation of the material-free CTRL + NUMPAD3 - the maximum force of arms CTRL + NUMPAD4 - Night Crawl - infinite energy CTRL + NUMPAD5 - turtury - immortality HOME - disable all facilities Note! Trainer works with version 1.0 - 1.04 game. Last update: Thursday, August 6, 2015
Genre: Action
File size: 677.7 KB
Note: The cheats and tricks listed above may not necessarily work with your copy of the game. This is due to the fact that they generally work with a specific version of the game and after updating it or choosing another language they may (although do not have to) stop working or even malfunction.
MULTIPURPOSE: You can use this samurai embroidered head in a multitude of creative ways! It can be applied or sewn both on jackets, T-shirts or any other clothing item, and on your backpacks, training outfit and uniforms! Choose your favorite one and you can be sure to impress everyone!
If you get black screen and console freeze during game startup on HEN/HAN try this method:1. Before converting, move the original files of "PS3_GAME\USRDIR" (except EBOOT.BIN, default.self, and default_mp.self) to a temp folder outside the PS3_GAME folder.2. Convert the game using CFW2OFW v1.13 ("PS3_GAME\USRDIR" should contain EBOOT.BIN, default.self, and default_mp.self files only).3. After the conversion, move the original files (the ones inside the temp folder you made in step 1) to the converted folder "BLES00687\USRDIR". (resulting NPEB00687 folder should be small, around 19-20MB in size and BLES00684 should be around 7.15GB)4. Make the packages with Make-Backup-PKG, game package will be small (19-20MB) while patch will be the biggest one (7.15GB)
1. Download the update 1.06 of the regular US version of Fallout: NV (BLUS30500), 2. Unpack the update PKG and then replace the EBOOT.BIN of the disc game (BLUS30888) folder with the one from the unpacked update PKG, 3. Edit the PARAM.SFO of the disc game (BLUS30888) folder to change its 'Title ID' with the one of the update (in this case write "BLUS30500"), change 'PS3 System' into 4.46, then 'Version' and 'App Ver' into 1.06. Save changes and overwrite, 4. Convert your customized BLUS30888 (PS3_GAME) folder using PS3GameConvert. When asked for a game update, click 'yes' then select the downloaded update 1.06 PKG of Fallout: NV (BLUS30500) regular version, 5. After conversion, use Make PKG or make-backup-pkg tool to make it a PKG and then install on PS3 with Debug Packages enabled in this order: game PKG, patch PKG, LIC PKG. !Ah2kvD0luiUZqWIs3PKRSVA-35nX Note: Click to talk about how it works
1. Download the update 1.06 of the regular EU Spanish version of Fallout: NV (BLES00905), 2. Unpack the update PKG and then replace the EBOOT.BIN of the disc game (BLES01475) folder with the one from the unpacked update PKG, 3. Edit the PARAM.SFO of the disc game (BLES01475) folder to change its 'Title ID' with the one of the update (in this case write "BLES00905"), change 'PS3 System' into 4.46, then 'Version' and 'App Ver' into 1.06. Save changes and overwrite, 4. Convert your customized BLES01475 (PS3_GAME) folder using PS3GameConvert. When asked for a game update, click 'yes' then select the downloaded update 1.06 PKG of Fallout: NV (BLES00905) regular version, 5. After conversion, use Make PKG or make-backup-pkg tool to make it a PKG and then install on PS3 with Debug Packages enabled in this order: game PKG, patch PKG, LIC PKG. Note: Click to talk about how it works
For DTU/Inject: Game conversion not required: 1. Extract the folder PS3_GAME and rename it into BCES00129GAME, 2. Download the 1.03 update patch BCES00129 then unpack it, 3. In the folder BCES00129GAME, copy all the files from the patch except param.sfo (ie param.sfo in BCES00129GAME must remain native to the disk), 4. In the folder BCES00129GAME, edit param.sfo. Change Category DG (Disc Game) to HG (HardDrive Game) then game version number to the same version of the patch. 5. Fold BCES00129GAME and BCES00129 to the console. You're playing. All is simple
Using PKG maker - folder NPEA00129 needs to be the main full game folder BCES00129 will be patch downloaded and unpacked. Following Russian instructions above BCES00129GAME would change to NPEA00129 for creating a pkg properly in pkg maker.
Game Conversion not required:1. Rename the folder PS3_GAME to NPUA98155,2. Unpack the patch for BCUS98155,3. Copy all the files from the patch except PARAM.SFO and paste in NPUA98155,4. Edit the PARAM.SFO from NPUA98155 to change Category from DG (Disc Game) into HG, (Harddrive Game) and app version to 01.03,5. For Inject: Transfer the two folders (NPUA98155 & BCUS98155) to the console,5. For HAN: Use make-backup-pkg with the two folders (NPUA98155 & BCUS98155) to create 2 working pkgs.
1. Rename patch folder into BCES00664DATA then delete the entire contents of its USRDIR folder,2. Copy all dataXX.psarc from the disc files into that folder,3. Edit the PARAM.SFO and remove the lines: PS3 System, Parental Lock Level, App Ver and Target Ver. Patch 2.10 (again) with the modified PARAM.SFO (HG and APP Ver 2.51) in the original folder (BCES00664) or in BCES00664GAME + DFEngine.sprx from patch 2.30. [CFW2OFW Helper v8]. 2ff7e9595c